


  一、专业简介Programs Overview



  Doctoral students trained in Biomedical Engineering (Engineering Degree) should master the basic theories, advanced technical methods, and modern technological means in the field of biomedical engineering. They should also have the ability to track the latest achievements, technologies, and research levels in relevant international fields, understand the current status and development trends of biomedical engineering technology, proficiently master the methods and technologies necessary for solving engineering problems in the field of biomedical engineering. Having the ability to solve cutting-edge problems in the field of biomedical engineering, and having certain medical instrument design and development capabilities are also required. They should be able to independently engage in innovative research work, have a rigorous and practical scientific attitude and style, solid writing ability and academic communication ability, and be able to independently engage in scientific research teaching, technology development, and application transformation as innovative scientific research talents. Students will be awarded engineering degree.


  Biomedical engineering (Medical degree) is an evolving discipline that draws on collaboration between engineers and scientists to provide interdisciplinary insight into medical and biological problems. The doctoral programs in BME are constituted with engineering expertise and clinics, aiming to use engineering methods to solve medical problems. From the perspective of the integration of medicine and engineering, BME primarily focuses on advances and achievements in disease prevention, precision treatment, human rehabilitation, and Chinese health care system development. In addition, BME develops several research areas to solve real-world clinical problems with novel engineering methods, including biomechatronics, biophotonics, medical imaging, neural engineering and rehabilitation, bioelectronics, and biosignal detections, and advanced biomaterials and tissue engineering, and rescue medicine engineering. Students will be awarded a medical degree.

  3、 智能医学工程(工学学位)以现代医学与生物学理论为基础,融合先进的脑认知、大数据、云计算、机器学习等人工智能及相关领域工程技术,研究人的生命和疾病现象的本质及其规律,探索人机协同的智能化诊疗方法和临床应用的新兴交叉学科。智能医学工程专业是医、理、工高度交叉的学科,其研究内容包括智能药物研发、医学智能感知、智能分析与决策、医疗机器人、智能诊疗、智能医学影像识别、智能健康数据管理等。旨在建立一个跨学科、多元化的教学和科研平台,促进各学科交叉融合,瞄准“健康中国2030”对人才更新更高的目标定位与要求,培养具有家国情怀、国际视野、法治意识、生态意识和工程伦理并且兼具人文关怀的医工复合型领军人才和医学拔尖创新人才。本专业授予工学学位。

  Intelligent Medical Engineering (Engineering Degree) as an interdisciplinary major is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering to biology and medicine, comprising of Brain Science, Big-Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligent. IME focuses on the advances and human-in-the-loop (HITL) to improve human health and health care at all levels. Aspects of drug development, medical perception, medical robots, diagnosis and treatment, image recognition, health data management, etc., are all integrated into the IME interdisciplinary platform to achieve the national plan of “Healthy China 2030”. Our PhD's program in IME enhances student degrees in engineering, emphasizing cutting-edge medical engineering by taking elective courses in these areas. Students will be awarded engineering degree.

  二、 教学科研 Teaching and Studying


  The basic length of study for full-time academic doctoral students in these programs is 4 years. The training methods are combining course learning, scientific research training, academic exchange and dissertation work. The training implements the guidance of individual tutors or the guidance of tutor teams.


  Students should be proficient in basic theoretical knowledge related to mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, electronic science and technology, biomedical and health engineering, clinical medicine, scientific research methods, experimental design and analysis, and other related fields.


  The students should master and apply the basic theoretical knowledge of one of the following sub disciplines: health medicine engineering, medical diagnosis and treatment technology and equipment, rehabilitation medicine engineering, biomaterials and tissue engineering, biomedical information engineering, etc; At the same time, understanding the main research directions, such as medical intelligent perception, intelligent medical image analysis, neural engineering and neuroscience, biochips and organoid technology, molecular imaging, molecular engineering and synthetic biology, biomaterials and materials biology, biomechanics and mechanobiology, mobile wearable technology, medical robot technology, etc., and possessing rich interdisciplinary knowledge and a broad knowledge base.


  Learn academic norms, medical ethics, and other humanities and social sciences knowledge, and master the methods of scientific research.


  Doctoral students in this discipline should have the ability to proficiently use information retrieval methods, further improve their ability to acquire professional knowledge and cutting-edge dynamics, and be able to clarify the progress of related research fields and the main theoretical and experimental method systems. Capable of independently completing literature reviews, objectively evaluating research status and existing problems, and gradually improving academic discernment of existing research. Skilled in analyzing and judging the scientificity, novelty, and reliability of existing research methods and results, while being able to identify existing academic problems. Able to solve or promote the resolution of these academic problems through new comparative experimental designs and research.


  The students should have strong academic innovation ability in medical engineering interdisciplinary disciplines, which is mainly reflected in the cutting-edge and pertinence of academic research topics, the novelty of scheme design, the progressiveness of research means, the innovation of technical routes and research results, and the organic combination of theory and practice. Be able to propose new theoretical insights, construct new methods to obtain new data and achievements, write research reports, invention patents, international journal academic papers, and research project applications, and respond scientifically, reasonably, and completely to academic questions raised by others.


  Students should possess the comprehensive application ability of multidisciplinary knowledge and technology, teamwork ability, organizational and coordination ability, social adaptation ability, etc., and have a rigorous and pragmatic scientific attitude and style. Special attention should be paid to cultivating the courage, ability, and will to overcome difficult problems in interdisciplinary research.


  Doctoral training implements a credit system, including course learning credits and training credits. The total credits required should not be less than 16 credits, including no less than 11 credits for course learning and no less than 4 credits for the cultivation process.

  三、学位论文及发表学术成果要求 Requirements for Dissertation and Academic Achievements


  Doctoral students should choose cutting-edge disciplines or topics that are of great significance to China's scientific and technological progress, economic construction, and social development as the topic for their doctoral dissertation. The dissertation can reflect the author's ability to independently engage in scientific research work, and reflect the author's solid and extensive basic theories and systematic in-depth professional knowledge in the discipline.


  The topic of doctoral dissertation should be scientific, academic, innovative, progressiveness and feasible. The selection of topics is encouraged to be combined with various national level projects and key scientific research projects at or above the provincial and ministerial levels.

  博士学位论文必须是一份系统的、完整的学术著作,是学位申请者本人在导师和论文委员会的指导下独立完成的研究成果,论文必须符合学术道德规范和学术写作规范,不得抄袭和剽窃他人成果。学位论文应使用规范语言撰写,符合《学位论文编写规则》(GB/T 7713.1-2006)的规定,以及《天津大学关于博士、硕士学位论文格式的统一规定》。

  The doctoral dissertation must be a systematic and complete academic work, independently completed by the degree applicant under the guidance of their supervisor and dissertation committee. The dissertation must comply with academic ethics and writing standards, and must not plagiarize or plagiarize the work of others. It should be written in standard language, in accordance with the provisions of the "Rules for Writing Dissertation" (GB/T 7713.1-2006) and the "Unified Regulations on the Format of Doctoral and Master's Dissertation of Tianjin University".


  The content of a doctoral dissertation should be innovative, have theoretical significance or practical value for the development of the national economy and science and technology, explore valuable phenomena or new laws, propose new propositions and methods; Or corrected the errors in the formulation or conclusion of important issues by predecessors, thus playing an important role in the research of biomedical engineering discipline; Or creatively solve key problems in natural science or engineering technology, with certain application prospects; Or create certain social and economic benefits.


  Please refer to 《Basic Requirements for Graduate Degree Application Results of the 18th Committee of Tianjin University Degree》for the requirements of academic achievements published by doctoral students.

  四、 入学申请 How to Apply


  Applications are now open for courses that start in autumn semester 2025.Please start your application via https://tju.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx.


  More information about scholarships, campus life and other related information, please visit https://sie.tju.edu.cn/.