
倪广健,博士研究生导师,天津大学医学院副院长、脑机交互与人机共融海河实验室副主任、智能医学工程教育部工程研究中心副主任。国家重点研发计划首席科学家、天津市海外高层次人才,天津市第一批青年科技人才第一层次(全市15人)。天津大学、英国南安普大学双博士学位,2012年至2017年在南安普顿大学分别担任Research Fellow、Senior Research Fellow。目前担任京津冀国家技术创新中心天津中心专家咨询委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会理事、青年工作委员会副主任委员兼秘书长,中国生物物理学会听觉、语言和交流研究分会常务委员、中国听力医学发展基金会专家指导委员会基础研究专家委员会副秘书长、天津市康复医学会言语康复专委会副主任委员等。
主要研究领域为听觉脑机接口、神经工程、智能医学。近年来先后主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、应用类重点重大项目、企业横向委托项目等33项。发表高水平期刊、学术会议论文共80余篇,包括IEEE Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering、Human Brain Mapping、GeroScience、Hearing Research、Cerebral Cortex等听觉和神经工程领域系列Top期刊。授权多项国家发明专利、美国专利,先后获得天津市科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖1项,国家级高等教育教学成果二等奖2项,欧盟Marie Curie Fellowship,The Spoendlin Award,The Sir James Lighthill Award等奖励。指导学生获得全国智能医学创新创意大赛一等奖、第八届生物医学工程创新设计大赛一等奖等多项奖励。
1. Qi Zheng#, Yubo Wu#, Jianing Zhu, Leqiang Cao, Yanru Bai, Guangjian Ni*. Cochlear Implant Artifacts Removal in EEG-Based Objective Auditory Rehabilitation Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2024.
2. Hongxing Liu#, Yanru Bai#,Qi Zheng, Jihan Liu, Jianing Zhu, Guangjian Ni*. Electrophysiological correlation of auditory selective spatial attention in the “cocktail party” situation, Human Brain Mapping, 2024.
3. Hongxing Liu#, Yanru Bai#, Zihao Xu, Jihan Liu, Guangjian Ni, Dong Ming. The Scalp Time-varying Network of Auditory Spatial Attention in “Cocktail-Party” Situations, Hearing Research, 2023.
4. Ran Zhao#, Tao Yue#,· Zihao Xu,· Yunqi Zhang, Yubo Wu , Yanru Bai*, Guangjian Ni* , Dong Ming. Electroencephalogram-based Objective Assessment of Cognitive Function Level Associated With Age-related Hearing Loss, GeroScience, 2023.
5. Guangjian Ni#*, Zihao Xu#, Yanru Bai, Qi Zheng, Ran Zhao, Yubo Wu, Dong Ming. EEG-based Assessment of Temporal Fine Structure and Envelope Effect in Mandarin Syllable and Tone Perception, Cerebral cortex, 2023.
6. Zihao Xu#, Yanru Bai#, Ran Zhao, Qi Zheng, Dong Ming*, Guangjian Ni*, Auditory attention decoding from EEG-based Mandarin speech envelope reconstruction, Hearing Research, 2022.
7. Zihao Xu#, Yanru Bai#, Ran Zhao, Hongmei Hu, Guangjian Ni*, Dong Ming*, Decoding selective auditory attention with EEG using a transformer model, Methods, 2022.
8. Guangjian Ni#*, Qi Zheng#, Yidi Liu, Yawen Zhao, Tao Yue, Siyang Han, Haihong Liu*, Dong Ming* (2021) Objective assessment of auditory rehabilitation for cochlear implant paediatric users using EEG information, Hearing Research, 404: 108211.
9. Stephen J Elliott and Guangjian Ni* (2018) An elemental approach to modelling the mechanics of the cochlea, Hearing Research, 360, 14-24.
10. Stephen J Elliott, Guangjian Ni* and Luyang Sun (2017) Fitting Pole-zero Micromechanical Models to Cochlear Response Measurements, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(2):666-679.
11. Guangjian Ni*, Luyang Sun and Stephen J Elliott (2017) A Linearly Tapered Box Model of the Cochlea, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(3), 1793-1803.Q2
12. Stephen J Elliott, Guangjian Ni* and Carl A. Verschuur (2016) Modelling the effect of round window stiffness on residual hearing after cochlear implantation, Hearing Research, 341, 155-167.
13. Guangjian Ni*, Stephen Elliott and Johannes Baumgart (2016) Finite Element Model of the Active Organ of Corti, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13 (115).
14. Guangjian Ni* and Stephen Elliott † (2015) Comparing Methods of Modelling Near Field Fluid Coupling in the Cochlea, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(3) 1309-1317.
15. Guangjian Ni* and Stephen Elliott (2014) Wave Interpretation of Numerical Results for the Vibration in Thin Conical Shells, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(10), 2750-2758.
1. 2020.01-2023.12,人工耳蜗儿童脑电信息解码及反馈调控研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,55万,项目主持人。
2. 2020.06.01-2023.05.31,国家级应用类项目,500万,项目主持人。
3. 2022.03.01-2023.08.31,国家级应用类项目,99万,项目主持人。
4. 2018.10-2021.09,皮层听觉诱发电位作为复杂人工耳蜗植入儿童成效预测的标记物研究,京津冀基础研究合作专项(精准医疗),20万,项目主持人。
5. 2013.02-2016.02,Semantic Infostructure interlinking an open source Finite Element tool and libraries with a model repository for the multi-scale modelling and 3d visualization of the inner-ear (SIFEM),EU-FP7,子项目负责人
6. 2019.08-2020.07,外耳蜗混合激励式助听设备的开发研究,中国残联课题项目,负责人。
7. 2017.10-2020.09,基于神经感知与增强反馈的新型虚拟现实康复训练系统,天津市人工智能科技重大专项,合作单位负责人。
1. 2023.11.01-2026.10.31,国家重点研发计划项目,“视听生物感知非侵入高精度解码与干预增强技术”,2180万,项目主持人。
2. 2020.11.01-2025.11.01,国家级应用类项目,268万,项目主持人。