
1、神经工程与脑认知科学 Neural Engineering and Brain Cognitive Science;
2、中医诊断客观化检测技术 Objective Diagnostic Technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM);
3、中医大数据与人工智能技术 Big Data and AI Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine ;
4、智能医学仪器设计 AI Medical Instrumentation
5、医疗器械公司创业导师 Mentor of Entrepreneurship of Medical Equipment Company
[1] 赵丽,周鹏*,罗静静,席强,余辉,郭义.基于IPPG的非接触式皮肤血液灌注成像[J].光学学报,2023,43(02): 183-191.
[2] 付子轩,周鹏*,汪鑫,任海燕,罗静静,郭义,王西墨.基于多路链接预测推理的中医脏腑辨证研究[J].中国中医药信息杂志,2023,30(04):18-24.
[3] 付子轩,周鹏*,任海燕,商楚浩,罗静静,郭义,王西墨.基于知识图谱的中西医结合急腹症诊疗推理分析[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2023,29(11):190-199.
[4] Zhi-Qing Li, Zi-Xuan Fu, Wen-Jun Li, Hao Fan, Shu-Nan Li, Xi-Mo Wang, Peng Zhou*. Prediction of Diabetic Macular Edema Using Knowledge Graph[J]. Diagnostics, 2023.
[5] 林静怡,李诗翩,郭义,任海燕,李鑫举,周鹏,席强,梁峰.人工智能助力中医药发展现状、问题及建议[J].世界中医药,2022,17(06):864-867.
[6] 孟子征,刘莉,何崟,陈莉,刘皓,周鹏.基于柔性传感器的智能背心呼吸监测技术研究[J].北京服装学院学报(自然科学版),2021,41(04):36-41.
[7] 杨佳欣,韩东,董新明,唐瑞弦,徐向阳,罗静静,周鹏*.基于形态特征提取的中医齿痕舌客观化研究[J].激光与光电子学进展,2022,59(11):365-373.
[8] 宋思敏,郭扬,郭义,周鹏,王益民.中医诊疗仪器的发展与思考[J].中医药导报,2021,27(08):71-74.
[9] 罗静静,左晶晶,季仲致,陈启亮,周鹏.面向脉诊客观化的脉搏传感器研究综述[J].仪器仪表学报,2021,41 (08):1-14.
[10] 甘霖,田佳宜,许敏鹏,明东,周鹏*.基于神经认知科学的音乐对情绪诱发的机制研究综述[J].复旦学报(自然科学版),2021,60(03):340-346.
[11] Lin Gan, Ke Zhang, Peng Zhou. The Effect of Temperature Stimulation on the Efficiency of Information Transmission of Brain in the Vigilance Task, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2021, 168:S202.
[12] L. Zhou, X. Tao, F. He, P. Zhou and H. Qi, "Reducing False Triggering Caused by Irrelevant Mental Activities in Brain-Computer Interface Based on Motor Imagery," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021, 25(9): 3638-3648.
[13] Wei Jinwen, Zhang Zhiguo, Yao Ziqing, Ming Dong, Zhou Peng*. Modulation of Sustained Attention by Theta-tACS over the Lateral and Medial Frontal Cortices[J]. Neural Plasticity, 2021, 2021(2):1-12.
[14] Luo J, Zhen J, Zhou P, Chen W, Guo Y. An iPPG-Based Device for Pervasive Monitoring of Multi-Dimensional Cardiovascular Hemodynamics. Sensors. 2021; 21(3):872.
[15] 周鹏*,朱越,董晓,焦学军,周林颖,綦宏志,赵欣,何峰.睡眠限制引起的生物节律紊乱对大脑警觉度影响的研究[J].航天医学与医学工程,2020,33(06):504-511.
[16] 李颖,李玉环,章明星,周鹏,刘清君,李勇枝,高建义,郭义.针灸调节内稳态研究进展及在航天医学中的应用展望[J].航天医学与医学工程,2020,33(06):542-548.
[17] 周鹏*,董晓,安兴伟,綦宏志,刘爽,万柏坤,明东.生物节律紊乱的生理效应及对认知行为影响研究进展[J].中华航空航天医学杂志,2020,31(01):55-62.(通讯作者)
[18] Wang Xuemin; Shao Na; Wang Ruiyun; Sun Yingying; Yu Zhifeng; Jiang Zhihao; Zhou Peng*,Diagnosis of uremia patients based on color space, Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2020, 11(1):38-44
[19] Chun Ouyang, Peng Zhou, Zhongxue Gan, A non-invasive test method for type-2 diabetes mellitus by pulse waveform fitting, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 60, 2020.
[20] 周鹏*,周林颖,安兴伟,杨佳佳,万柏坤,明东.体温对大脑认知功能状态影响与调控策略研究进展[J].中国生物医学工程学报,2019,38(05):621-627.
[21] 周鹏*,宋雨桐,张阔,万柏坤,李鑫举,明东,郭义.经皮穴位电刺激对大脑神经功能活动影响研究进展[J].航天医学与医学工程,2019,32(05):463-470.
[22] 林锋,谭迎,周鹏,罗静静.中医面诊系统调研报告[J].中国体视学与图像分析,2019,25(03):225-240.
[23] 赵军宁,张翼冠,胡镜清,任思冲,王超,谢春光,杨思进,戴瑛,华桦,李莉,鄢良春,杨安东,王剑波,李晓鲁,尹竹君,吴哲,周鹏,张伟,邓绍平,李昕欣.分子版治未病——基于中医药理学与新一代技术装备的精准中医学发展前瞻[J].中药药理与临床,2019,35(04):2-9.
[24] 赵欣,陈志堂,王坤,王仲朋,周鹏,綦宏志.运动想象脑-机接口新进展与发展趋势[J].中国生物医学工程学报,2019,38(01):84-93.
[25] Meng, J., Xu, M., Zhou, P., He, F., Ming, D. EEG Complexity and Functional Connectivity during Precise Timing Prediction. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2019: 2909-2912.
[26] Chen, Y., Liu, Y.-N., Zhou, P., Zhang, X., Wu, Q., Zhao, X., Ming, D. The transitions between dynamic micro-states reveal age-related functional network reorganization (2019) Frontiers in Physiology, 10 (JAN)
[27] Yang, J., Wang, L., Wang, F., Tang, X., Zhou, P., Liang, R., Zheng, C., Ming, D. Low-frequency pulsed magnetic field improves depression-like behaviors and cognitive impairments in depressive rats mainly via modulating synaptic function (2019) Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13 (JUL)
[28] Zhou L , Cao H , An X , Liu, S. , Zhou, P*. Research of the Regulation effect of Cooling Stimulation on vigilance[C]// 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2019,3127-3130.
[29] 周鹏*,魏晋文,孙畅,綦宏志,明东.经颅直流电刺激调控大脑认知功能的研究进展[J].中国生物医学工程学报,2018,37(02):208-214.
[30] Xue, Y., Tang, J., Zhou, P., Xu, M., Ming, D., Qi, H. Does A Subject Independent Dynamic Stopping Model for P300 Speller Work on Different Flash Durations and Inter Stimulus Intervals? (2018) Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2018-July, 1935-1938.
[31] Wang, L., Yang, J., Wang, F., Zhou, P., Wang, K., Ming, D. Modulation of Low-Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Field on Hippocampal Neural Oscillation in Depression Rats (2018) Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2018-July, 259-262.
[32] Cui, H., Wei, J., Ke, Y., An, X., Sun, C., Xu, M., Qi, H., Ming, D., Zhou, P*. Research of the Regulation Effect of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Vigilant Attention (2018) Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2018-July, 3481-3484.
[33] Zhao, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, J., Chen, L., Qi, H., Jiao, X., He, F., Zhou, P., Ming, D. A transplantation of subject-independent model in cross-platform BCI (2018) International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 9 (6), 2018: 959-967.
[34] Rui Xu, Chuncui Zhang, Feng He, Xin Zhao, Hongzhi Qi, Peng Zhou, Lixin Zhang, Dong Ming. How Physical Activities Affect Mental Fatigue Based on EEG Energy, Connectivity, and Complexity. Front Neurol. 20189:915. Published 2018 Oct 31. doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00915
[35] Chen Y , Zhao X , Zhang X , Liu, Y , Zhou, P. , & Ni, H. , et al. Age-related early/late variations of functional connectivity across the human lifespan[J]. Neuroradiology, 2018.
[36] Yawei Z , Jiabei T , Yong C , Xuejun, J. , Minpeng, X. , & Peng, Z. , et al. Effects of Distracting Task with Different Mental Workload on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Based Brain Computer Interfaces—an Offline Study[J]. Frontiers in Neuroence, 2018, (12): 79.
[37] 徐立超,王仲朋,许敏鹏,何峰,周鹏,明东,綦宏志.脑电逆问题在运动康复领域中的应用[J].中国生物医学工程学报,2017,36(06):733-740.
[38] 吕昊,王学民,姜智浩,周鹏*.基于STM32的远程脉象复放系统的设计[J].工程设计学报,2017,24(04):465-472.(通讯作者)
[39] 刘亚男,陈元园,沙淼,綦宏志,明东,周鹏*.静息态功能连接网络对大脑不同水平认知衰退的研究进展[J].生物医学工程学杂志,2017,34(04):632-636.(通讯作者)
[40] 周鹏*,刘静,王春方,孙畅,王学民,杜金刚,明东.磁诱导对脑卒中患者运动康复的影响研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2017,31(08):1233-1238.(通讯作者)
[41] 裴欣欣,罗嗣频,万业达,王学民,周鹏*.基于连续成像的颈椎运动特征[J].中国医学影像技术,2017,33(07):1090-1094.(通讯作者)
[42] Yuqian Chen, Yufeng Ke, Guifang Meng, Jin Jiang, Hongzhi Qi, Xuejun Jiao, Minpeng Xu, Peng Zhou, Feng He, Dong Ming, Enhancing performance of P300-Speller under mental workload by incorporating dual-task data during classifier training, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 152, 2017: 35-43,
[43] Wei, J., Ke, Y., Sun, C., An, X., Qi, H., Ming, D., Zhou, P*. The timing of theta phase synchronization accords with vigilant attention. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2017: 2442-2445.
[44] Xu, R., Wang, X., Yang, J., He, F., Zhao, X., Qi, H., Zhou, P., Ming, D. Comparison of the COM-FCP inclination angle and other mediolateral stability indicators for turning. BioMedical Engineering Online, 201716 (1).
[45] Yi, W., Qiu, S., Wang, K., Qi, H., Zhao, X., He, F., Zhou, P., Yang, J., Ming, D. Enhancing performance of a motor imagery based brain-computer interface by incorporating electrical stimulation-induced SSSEP. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2017, 14 (2),
[46] Liu, S., Xu, M., Yang, J., Qi, H., He, F., Zhao, X., Zhou, P., Zhang, L., Ming, D. Research on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Based on Dynamic Features of Ambulatory 24-Hour Esophageal pH Monitoring (2017) Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2017,
[47] Qiu, S., Feng, J., Xu, J., Xu, R., Zhao, X., Zhou, P., Qi, H., Zhang, L., Ming, D. Sonomyography Analysis on Thickness of Skeletal Muscle during Dynamic Contraction Induced by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation: A Pilot Study (2017) IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25 (1):59-67.
[48] Haoze Zhu,Peng Zhou(Co-first author), Sarael Alcauter, Yuanyuan Chen,Hongbao Cao, Miao Tian, Dong Ming, Hongzhi Qi, Xuemin Wang,Xin Zhao, Feng He, Hongyan Ni* , Wei Gao*, Changes of intranetwork and internetwork functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment; Journal of Neural Engineering; 13(4); 2016 Jun 1. [1]
[49] Xiang Gao, Hongbao Cao, Dong Ming, Hongzhi Qi , Xuemin Wang, Xiaolu Wang, Runge Chen,Peng Zhou*;Analysis of EEG activity in response to binaural beats with different frequencies ; International Journal of Psychophysiology; 2014; 94:399–406
[50] PengZhou*,WenbinZhang,JunxingWang,JinLiu,RongxinSu,WangXuemin; Multimode Optical Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Signal Processing Based on the Fourier Series Fitting; Plasmonics; (2016) 11: 721.
[51] 周鹏*, 高翔, 王晓璐,綦宏志,王学民,明东. 双耳差频声刺激下的脑电特征[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2015, 48(9):834-838.
[52] 王晓璐, 高翔, 许敏鹏,綦宏志,王学民,明东,周鹏*. 基于睡眠剥夺模型的脑力疲劳检测方法研究[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2015(3):497-502.
[53] Minpeng Xu, Yihong Jia, Hongzhi Qi, Yong Hu ,Feng He, Xin Zhao,Peng Zhou,Lixin Zhang, Baikun Wan , Wei Gao, Dong Ming*; Use of a steady-state baseline to address evoked vs. oscillation models of visual evoked potential origin, NeuroImage;134; 2016; 204-212
[54] Zhou Peng*, Zhang Wenbin,Wang Junxin,Sun Cuiying,Liu Jin, Su Rongxin,Wang Xuemin;Peak Detection Algorithm of Optical Fiber SPR Signal Based on the Gaussian Fitting; Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis;2016,36(6):1949-1953.
[55] 周鹏*, 张文斌, 王军星,刘翠迎,刘瑾,苏荣欣,王学民. 基于高斯拟合的光纤型 SPR 信号的峰值检测算法[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 36(6):1949-1953.
[56] Shuang Qiu, Jing Feng, Jiapeng Xu, Rui Xu, Xin Zhao,Peng Zhou, Hongzhi Qi, Lixin Zhang, Dong Ming. Sonomyography Analysis on Thickness of Skeletal Muscle During Dynamic Contraction Induced by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation: A Pilot Study[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017, 25(1):59-67.
[57] 郭丹, 王学民, 王瑞云,孙飞,陆小左,周鹏*. 基于双目立体视觉的舌重建[J]. 传感技术学报, 2016, 29(9):1317-1322.
[58] 马娜, 王学民, 田苗,綦宏志,明东,周鹏*. 基于偏定向相干性的体感振动脑网络研究[J]. 航天医学与医学工程, 2016, 29(5):334-338.
[59] Zhou Peng*, Zhu Haoze, Ni Hongyan, Chen Yuanyuan,Wang Xuemin,Qi Hongzhi, He Feng, Ming Dong.Alzheimer's disease patients with parietal lobe control system brainnetwork abnormalities[J]. Science Bulletin, 2016,61 (32): 3490-3497.
[60] 马娜, 王学民, 田苗,刘静,綦宏志,明东,周鹏*. 20Hz体感振动刺激对脑电特征影响研究[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2016(6):1046-1052.
[61] 裴欣欣, 罗嗣频, 万业达,王学民,周鹏*. 基于连续成像的颈椎运动特征[J]. 中国医学影像技术, 2017, 33(7):1090-1094.
[62] 王学民, 孙飞, 陆小左,于志峰,周鹏*. 基于机械加压方式的便携式脉象采集分析系统的研究[J]. 传感技术学报, 2016, 29(11):1631-1636.
[63] Weibo Yi, Shuang Qiu, Kun Wang, Hongzhi Qi, Xin Zhao,Feng He,Peng Zhou, Jiajia Yang, Dong Ming. Enhancing performance of a motor imagery based brain-computer interface by incorporating electrical stimulation-induced SSSEP[J]. Journal of Neural Engineering, 2017,14(2):026002.
[64] Chang Sun, Runge Chen, Miao Tian, Xingwei An,Hongzhi Qi, Minpeng Xu, Xuemin Wang, Dong Ming,Peng Zhou*,Research on EEG features of attended & unattended vigilance[C]. 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBC), 2016:4662-4665.
[65] Wang Xuemin, Wang Ruiyun, Guodan, Lu Xiaozuo,Zhou Peng*, A Research about Tongue-Prickled Recognition MethodBased on Auxiliary Light Source[J]. Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators,2016,29(10):1553-1559.
[66] 王学民, 王瑞云, 郭丹,陆小左,周鹏*. 基于辅助光源的舌象点刺识别方法研究[J]. 传感技术学报, 2016, 29(10):1553-1559.
[67] Chen Runge,Zhang Lu, Wang Xiaolu, Wang Xuemin, Ming Dong,Zhou Peng*;Research on Brain Network under Self-adaptive Multi-dimensional N-back Cognition Tasks; Space Medicine & Medical Engineering; 28( 6); 2015; 391-396.
[68] 薛然婷,周鹏*, 高翔,等. 睡眠剥夺下警觉度变化的非线性研究[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2014(3):506-510.
[69] Xu Minpeng, Liu Jing, Chen Long,Qi Hongzhi, He Feng,Zhou Peng,Wan Baikun, Ming Dong*; Incorporation of Inter-Subject Information to Improve the Accuracy of Subject-Specific P300 Classifiers; International Journal of Neural Systems; 26(3); 2016.05.
[70] Anshuang Fu, Chunhui Wang, HongzhiQi, FanLi, ZhengWang, Feng He,Peng Zhou, Shanguang Chen, Dong Ming* , Electromyography-based analysis of human upper limbs during 45-day head-down bed-rest, Acta Astronautica 120; 2016; 260–269.
[71] Yufeng Ke, Peiyuan Wang , Yuqian Chen, Bin Gu, Hongzhi Qi,Peng Zhou, Dong Ming*;Training and testing ERP-BCIs under different mental workload conditions, Journal of Neural Engineering; 13; 2016; 016007 .
[72] Weibo Yi, Shuang Qiu, Kun Wang, Hongzhi Qi, Feng He,Peng Zhou,Lixin Zhang, Dong Ming*;EEG oscillatory patterns and classification of sequential compound limb motor imagery; Journal of Neuro Engineering and Rehabilitation (2016) 13:11.
[73] Yufeng Ke, Hongzhi Qi, Lixin Zhang, Shanguang Chen, Xuejun Jiao,Peng Zhou,Xin Zhao, Baikun Wan, Dong Ming*;Towards an effective cross-taskmentalworkloadrecognition model using electroencephalography based on feature selection and support vector machine regression;International Journal of Psychophysiology; 98( 2); 2015; Part 1: 157-166
[74] Shuang Qiu, Jing Feng, Rui Xu, Jiapeng Xu, Kun Wang, Feng He, Hongzhi Qi, Xin Zhao,Peng Zhou,Lixin Zhang, and Dong Ming∗, A Stimulus Artifact Removal Technique for SEMG Signal Processing During Functional Electrical Stimulation; IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering; 62(8); 2015; 1959-1968.
[75] Shuang Liu , Di Zhang, Minpeng Xu, Hongzhi Qi*, Feng He, Xin Zhao,Peng Zhou,Lixin Zhang;Dong Ming* ,Randomly dividing homologous samples leads to overinflated accuracies for emotion recognition;International Journal of Psychophysiology; 96; 2015; 29–37.
[76] Chen Runge, Wang Xiaolu, Zhang Lu, Yi Weibo, Ke Yufeng, Qi Hongzhi, He Feng, Zhao Xin, Wang Xuemin, Ming Dong,Zhou, Peng*;Research on Multi-Dimensional N-back Task Induced EEG Variations; 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, ITALY;AUG 25-29, 2015
[77] 赵云龙, 王学民, 薛然婷,王晓路,高翔,明东,綦宏志,周鹏*.基于复杂性度量的大脑警觉度分析[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2015(4):725-729.
[78] 周鹏*,田苗, 张希,等. 阿尔茨海默病的静息态脑网络功能连接异常特征[J]. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015(5):346-352.
[79] 张玉满, 王学民, 宋鹏,王欣,陆小左,周鹏*.基于桡动脉血液流动模型对中医最佳取脉压力的解释与验证[J]. 计算机与应用化学, 2015(2): 129-134.
[80] 陈书旺, 王军星, 盛伟楠, 刘瑾,张文斌,周鹏*.Savitzky-Golay滤波器最优参数的SPR信号分析[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015(4):1124-1128.
[81] 周鹏*,高雄飞, 张玉满,等. 基于驻极体传声器的脉象检测系统和方法[J]. 传感技术学报, 2015(3):374-380.
[82] Yi Weibo, Qiu Shuang, Wang Kun, Qi Hongzhi*,Zhang Lixin,Zhou Peng,He Feng, Ming Dong*;Evaluation of EEG Oscillatory Patterns and Cognitive Process during Simple and Compound Limb Motor Imagery; PLOS ONE; 9(12); 2014.
[83] Yufeng Ke , Hongzhi Qi , Feng He , Shuang Liu, Xin Zhao,Peng Zhou,Lixin Zhang and Dong Ming*;An EEG-based mental workload estimator trained on working memory task can work well under simulated multi-attribute task; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; Volume 8; 2014; Article 703.
[84] Gao Xiang, Wang Xiaolu, Chen Fang, Qi Hongzhi, Wang Xuemin, Ming Dong,Zhou, Peng*;Research on Brain Induced Effect by Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Stimulation; 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBC); Chicago, IL;AUG 26-30, 2014
[85] 王学民, 王玥, 陆小左,张玉满,宋鹏,周鹏. 生理参数变化对中医脉波图影响规律的研究[J]. 计算机工程, 2014, 40(12):306-311.
[86] Yufeng Ke, Long Chen, Lan Fu, Yihong Jia, Penghai Li, Xin Zhao, Hongzhi Qi*,Peng Zhou, Lixin Zhang, Baikun Wan, and Dong Ming*;Visual Attention Recognition Based on Nonlinear Dynamical Parameters of EEG; Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering; 24; 2014; 349–355.
[87] Xiangxin Li, Xuemin Wang, Fang Wang, Zhonghai Wang, Ranting Xue, Xinming Dong,Peng Zhou*;Measurement of Anesthesia Depth Based on Heart Rate VariabilityIEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement SystemsIEEE, 2012:186-189.
[88] Juan Yin, Xuemin Wang, Yi Zhang, Xinming Dong,Peng Zhou*;Design of Six Degrees of Freedom Electromagnetic Tracker for Virtual Reality System; Conference: Virtual Environments Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS), 2012 IEEE International Conference ;2012.
[89] Wei Zhong He,Peng Zhou*, DongDong Lin, Xin Zhao, Mingshi Wang; Study of the Electromagnetic field of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation based on the Real Head Model; Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2009, October 17-19, 2009.
[90] Peng Zhou*, Dongdong Lin, Weizhong He, Guohui L, Keke Shang; Study of the Electromagnetic field of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation based on the Real Head Model; Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2009.
[91] Peng Zhou*, Dongdong Lin, Weizhong He, Guohui Li, Keke Shang; Influence of Musicotherapy on Mental Status and Cognitional Function of Patient with Depression Disease; Conference: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics.
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1. 基于多模态大脑感知谐振效应的快速提高警觉度方法研究,国家自然基金
2. 睡眠缺失对大脑警觉度的影响规律及其对抗措施研究,国家自然基金
3. 基于大脑谐振效应的极低频脉冲磁场治疗失眠症的研究,国家自然基金
4. 在轨航天员警觉度检测与调控技术研究,载人航天医学项目
6. 项目名称:“多模传导微流膜析表面等离子共振谱仪(H-SPR)研发与产业化”,任务名称:“H-SPR测控系统与分析应用软件研制”,国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项
7. 基于多生理参数的大脑警觉度检测技术及其对抗措施研究,天津市自然基金
8. 脑力疲劳检测与对抗研究,重点专项
9. 磁诱导与体感音乐睡眠康复系统的研制,重点专项
10. 磁诱导改善睡眠结构的实验及神经机制研究,教育部博士点基金
11. 基于PAD的航天员视功能检查系统,载人航天医学项目