DU Juan
Title/Position:Associate professor
Research Areas:Her research covers a broad area of medical imaging processing, mechanics of biomaterials and tissues across different length-scales, including musculoskeletal tissue modelling; mechano-adaptation of soft/hard tissue in the applications of exercise and lifestyle in related health outcomes, design and optimization of exoskeleton.
Brief Introduction:
Dr Juan Du joined Tianjin University in Biomedical Engineering since 2020. Prior to her appointment, she worked as a Research Associate in Machine Learning and Image Processing at School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials at Loughborough University (2019). Juan gained her BSc in Electronic Science and Technology, MSc in Physics, and PhD in Biomechanics at Loughborough University.
Her research covers a broad area of mechanics of biomaterials and tissues across different length-scales, including musculoskeletal tissue modelling; mechano-adaptation of soft/hard tissue in the applications of exercise and other lifestyle factors on risk factors for osteoporosis, falls, physical function and related health outcomes in populations ranging from young athletes to inactive older adults.
Externally, she is a member of European Society of Biomechanics (ESB).
Academic Achievements:
(1) Juan Du#; Katherine Brooke-Wavell; Margaret A. Paggiosi; Chris Hartley; Jennifer S. Walsh;Vadim V. Silberschmidt; Simin Li*; Characterising variability and regional correlations of microstructure and mechanical competence of human tibial trabecular bone: An in-vivo HR- pQCT study, Bone, 2019, 121: 139-148
(2) Juan Du#; Chris Hartley; Katherine Brooke-Wavell; Margaret A Paggiosi; Jennifer S Walsh; Simin Li*; Vadim V Silberschmidt; High-Impact Exercise Stimulated Localised Adaptation of Microarchitecture across Distal Tibia in Postmenopausal Women, Osteoporosis International, 2021, 32(5): 907-919
(3) Juan Du#*; Simin Li; Vadim V. Silberschmidt; Remodelling of trabecular bone in human distal tibia: A model based on an in-vivo HR-pQCT study, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2021, 119: 104506
(4) Juan Du#*; Simin Li; Vadim V. Silberschmidt; Trabecular bone remodelling: finite-element simulation, Procedia Structural Integrity, 2020, 28: 577-583
(5) 杜娟#*,黄蒙恩,李思敏, Vadim V. Silberschmidt,苗军,明东.基于HR-pQCT的绝经女性在体骨小梁局部特异性研究[J].应用力学学报,2022,40(5):1-12
(6) 聂银霞,刘世忠,孙逊,杜娟*;高强度联合运动预防绝经后女性腰椎骨质疏松的研究进展[J].中华生物医学工程杂志,2023,29(2):235-240
(7) Hanpeng Xu#, Jincheng Wu#, Hongru Xie#, Wangqiang Wen, Haoxiang Xu, Juan Du* and Jun Miao*;Biomechanical behaviour of tension‑band‑reconstruction titanium plate in open‑door laminoplasty: a study based on finite element analysis,BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2022, 23:851
(8) Simin Li#; Yang Liu; Juan Du; Begum Zeybek; Lorenzo Zani; Mark P. Lewis; Vadim V. Silberschmidt*; Computational modelling of mechanical behavior of biological tissues for biomedical applications, VII European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Crete Island, Greece, 2016-6-5至2016-6-10
Juan's research focused on the biomechanics of exercise on risk factors for osteoporosis, falls, physical function and related health outcomes in older adults. In particular, Juan has conducted a number of exercise interventions, medical image processing, computational modelling of human tissues and exoskeleton design. Several studies have been supported by research grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China; National Key Research and Development Program of China; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin.
Recent and ongoing research studies
(1) Multiscale mechanism of exercise prevents osteoporosis and self-adapted bone remodelling simulation.
(2) Mechanism of spine osteoporosis and predictive model.
(3) Research on key technologies of bone mechanics modeling based on biomimetic principles.
(4) Mechanism and multi-scale simulation study of the effect of lumbar micro mechanical environment on postoperative bone healing.
Honors & Awards:
1. Prize in The 16th University Teaching Competition of Tianjin
2. Chinese Student Awards